Admission test

The under graduate degree courses in Computer science and Electronic Engineering (campus of Perugia), in Mechanic Engineering (campus of Perugia) and in Industrial engineering (Campus of Terni) require an admission test called TOLC (Test On Line CISIA).
The CISIA Online Test (TOLC) is an orientation tool for the assessment of initial abilities, available on a computer is edplatform and managed by the Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems (CISIA). It is an individual test, different for each student and it consists of 40 questions (20 math questions, 5 reasoning questions, 10 science questions, 5 verbal comprehension questions) that are automatically and randomly selected from the CISIA TOLC database by a software program developed and managed by CISIA. All generated TOLCs of the same type are of the same level of difficulty. For further details please consult the CISIA website.

The purpose of the admission test is to determine the education level of the students. Those students who fail to achieve minumum TOLC scores will be assigned an Additional Learning Requirement (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi - OFA) and required to take specific remedial courses. Never the less all students can enroll regardless of the score obtained in the test.

Students of the fourth and the fifth year of high school, as well as students with a high school diploma can apply for the TOLC test.

The TOLC test can be taken at any University which is part of CISIA, and students can submit an application for any degree programme requiring the TOLC I: there fore students that have taken the TOLC test in other campuses can enroll in the degree courses of the Department of Engineering provided.

It is possible to take the test several times (not necessarily in Perugia), but no more than one try per solar-month is allowed, independently of the location. The complete calendar of TOLC sessions is available on the CISIA website and on the department website on the page TEACHING → Enrolling in our courses → Admission tests.

Every student that wants to take the test has to register using the CISIA website and pay an amount of 30 euro, observing the modalities and deadline defined by CISIA itself. Payment must be received by CISIA at least a week before the test (MAV or credit card).

We inform all students who wish to enroll in the Department of Engineering degree course that introductory and remedial course will be organized in the first two weeks of September. At the end of these courses an additional TOLC test session will be available as scheduled.

For more information please see the department’s website at the page TEACHING → Enrolling in our courses → Admission tests.